*Tools [#gb369b1c] -[[HerbertEditor]] --It help you to edit and to submit problems easily. --You can simulate codes in the editor, more speedy than in the problem page of HOJ. -[[解答提出フォーム>http://www17.atpages.jp/pastatsh/hoj/submit2.html]]~ If the number of steps are very large, it costs very very long time to run it on the problem page. ~ In this website, you can submit a solution, without running it on the problem page. *Tequniques [#b0bb36d6] -[[Elementary Techniques]] -[[Techniques of Function]]:Tequniques of functions. -[[Techniques of Recursion]]:Tequniques of recursion. -[[Techniques of Number]]:Tequniques of numbers. -[[Techniques of Function]] -[[Techniques of Recursion]] -[[Techniques of Number]] *Events [#e8e6af91] After the contests, solutions of their problems are shared. ~ You can improve your HOJ skill by studying them! Most of the contest pages are written in Japanese. ~ But you can see their solution (and comments) in the page of each problem.~ You can jump to each problem page, from the event pages. -[[HOJ Contest 1]] -[[HOJ Contest 2]] -[[HOJ Contest 3]] -[[HOJ Contest 4]] -[[HOJ Contest 5]] -[[HOJ Contest 6]] -[[HOJ Contest 7]] -[[HOJ Contest 8]] -[[第1回HOJ祭り]] (1st HOJ festival) -[[第2回HOJ祭り]] (2nd HOJ festival)